
Honey massages and stone massages gathered! Have a good time at Helios Spa with a romantic atmosphere to be with your lover

[Boracay Massage] Helios Spa Honey Stone Massage
만족도 : 98% (1130 feedback)
1 pax 89,900 원

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Helios SPA - Helios SPA Boracay

A place to unwind and rejuvenate body, soul and mind

Available Time - 13:00 / 16:30 / 20:00


Pick up time from Dmall, Jollibee - Pick up time - 12:30 / 16:00 / 19:30 (please wait 10 minutes before pick up time)
Honey Massage + Stone Massage!


                                        Enjoy it now Helios Honeystone Massage is good for skin moisturization and blood purification
It is a massage product that combines the merits of honey massage and stone massage!

Honeystone Massage HONEY STONE (2 hours 20 minutes) 

You go to the room where you are informed, you take off your clothes, you change into shorts and sarongs.
Foot scrub + shiatsu: 10 mins
When you knock after the return, massage companies come in, 
Aromatic salt provides foot scrub and foot acupressure.
Whole body pack (honey (honey) and noni powder): 10 mins
Filipino Honey packs made from native honey and noni powder are absorbed throughout the  body.
I simply shower with water, I wash my face, I wash my face with soap, I wear my hair and I knock.
Massage start: 100 mins
Massage the whole body oil using the lava stone and extra virgin coconut oil made from the rock  .  
I can not use hot stones from the beginning, the massage companies touch the hot stone and  massage with warm hand, 
If you get a little cold, massage with stone.
Facial Massage + Stretching: 5 mins
A simple massage with a facial creme cream is performed on the face,  and the massage is finished with stretching. 
(If you do not want to stretch, say "no stretching").


Important checkpoint !!!
* Round-trip pick-up / sending service *
- Pick up instructions: Helios Spa - Pick up time from 30 minutes to 40 minutes massage time in Dmall McDonalds

* It is also possible to have a massage with your child, so the pool in the shop is available and it is a spa that many family members are looking for.

There is no separate age limit, so you will be able to massage together with your child. 
If you want to have a massage with a child or a teenager, please check with an adult person and make a reservation ^^
Place of departure

  Helios Spa - Massage in Dmall McDonalds Pick up time 30-40 minutes prior to pickup
  12:30 / 16:00 / 19:30

Reservation time 

  13:00 / 16:30 / 20:00


  - Honeystone Massage 2 hours and 10 minutes
  - Shower and laundry service
  - Pick-up service 
  - Pool pool available in the shop

Not included

  Manner Tips 



- 투어 참가시 귀중품 및 현금 등의 분실사고와 개인의 안전사고에 대해 각별히 유의해 주세요. (예약 전 안전수칙 동의서 필독 후 동의)
- 개인 부주의로 발생된 사고는 책임지지 않습니다.
- 여행자 보험은 개별적으로 가입하셔야 합니다. 투어파이브 역시 여행자보험 판매 대리점으로 저렴한 가격에 판매 중입니다.


117,000 원  
1,350,000 원  
59,000 원  
59,000 원  
4,751,000 원  
110,000 원  
54,000 원  
94,800 원